Entah apa arti dari batu karu sayapun tak tahu, gunung ini cukup terkenal karna puncaknya menjanjikan memandangan yang luar biasa. Hari itu saya dan chris telah sampai di puncak sekitar pukul 3 sore Karena kami start dari pukul 11 siang, hitung sendiri aja brapa jam yang kami perlukan untuk samapai di puncak. Saat itu tak satu orang pun yang kami temui di puncak, setelah keesokan harinya entah darimana datangnya mahkluk ciptaan Tuhan yang paling sempurna telah memenuhi area puncak, Ya amsyoong,…….

The rim from the caldera is broken and that shape inspired the Balines name Batukaru - coconutshell. There are 3 different ways to the top:
Pura Luhur Batukaru, west broken rim way - there are some negative experiences on the net, about behaving from domestics (forcing you to take a guide and ask crazy prices for that).
Pura Luhur Taksung Agung, east broken rim way - the comfortablest one, and from
Pura Malen: (shorter way but quite steep).
The usual weathersituation is closing the view from about 8 00 to 10 00 in the morning, so is better to go with a tent if you like to have a good view in the morning. There is enough camp space on top.

From Pura Luhur Taksung Agung:

pur3 board tree rest jungle tree rest jungle top camp pur2 tree rauh rest jungle top batur pray

from Pura Malen:

funride p.malen in the fog toprest campfire tree top good morning view top summit

down to Pura Luhur Batukaru:

down whole jump crossing safari

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